23 / 02 / 2022
The first full-fledged Duty-Free Electronics – now in Ukraine

Laptops, tablets, smartphones, speakers, headphones, suitcases, and much more – a wide range of well-known brands of electronics and travel goods at affordable prices is now available to passengers traveling from  Kyiv Sikorsky International Airport.

Today, on February 23, 2022, the first full-fledged Duty-Free electronic goods store in Ukraine was presented at Kyiv Sikorsky International Airport.
Vikroria Rozmeritsa, CEO of Food and Drink Company: "We had long dreamed of opening a store. Now, I can say it for sure, we have everything to satisfy even the most sophisticated customer needs - we offer the latest innovations in laptops, smartphones, photo and video equipment from the most famous brands at a very attractive price."
The best part of Duty-Free Electronics, Viktoria Rozmeritsa is sure, is the range and price, which is about 10-15% lower than in regular electronics stores: "On average, our prices will be 10-15% lower than the Ukrainian market, and for some goods, e.g. photo and video equipment, discounts will be up to 25%."

Now, the popular Apple brand is not in the range but we are planning to make it available in a month: "For now, Apple brand is not in the range. However, we plan to work with this brand as well. We anticipate the delivery in about a month", Viktoria explained.

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